The summer is at its peak. With that peak comes our greatest holiday Ilinden. This year we had a chance to give our best and prepare an Ilinden cocktail for our President. This holiday is as important to the state as it is to the religious bodies. It marks multiple attempts to create a country for the Macedonian people. The first such attempt was in 1903. It resulted with the first attempt at democracy on the Balkans. It was a state including equal rights for every citizen. Sadly this state lasted only 10 days. Forces against democracy far outnumbered the enlightened people from Krusevo. They crashed this attempt very quickly.
The other attempt was also marked during the Ilinden holiday, 02 August 1944. This assembly of ASNOM was successful. It resulted with the creation of the Republic of Macedonia as part of Yugoslavia. It also established the existence of the Macedonian language. That was an impossible feat with the previous occupators of the Macedonian territories.
This is an incredibly important holiday for the state of Macedonia. As such it is always marked and celebrated in Krusevo. Sometimes there is the presence of high government officials. That was the case today in 2018, when we were honored with the presence of our president.
Ilinden cocktail details
We are proud to present tiny details of the preparations for our best Ilinden cocktail so far. It was a cocktail worthy of a President. This cocktail is a mix of our traditional, local cuisine, mixed with other international choices. Special attention was paid over the decoration and fruits arrangement. Since there was rain that day, our open summer terrace was not going to work. We re-arranged the pub inside the hotel. This pub features a beautiful view over the entire Krusevo. There was no seating area. All of the guests were supposed to stand and mingle, while enjoying our traditional food and domestic drinks.
It all ended with very satisfied guests, promising to eagerly await the next Ilinden holiday.
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